University of Manchester COEBP efficiently isolates 10x higher-producing CHO population using the Amperia RED system

The Centre of Excellence in Biopharmaceuticals at the University of Manchester (COEBP) has developed a new platform for biopharmaceutical manufacturing to rapidly isolate high-producing CHO cell populations.

The team needed to assess antibody titre in 100s of study samples. The extensive manual processing required for ELISA meant cell cultures were frozen to manage throughput. Data was obtained retrospectively delaying decisions, and there were extended unproductive periods.

The lab used the Amperia Redox Electrochemical Detection (RED) system to automate antibody titre measurement and provide results from crude samples in as little as 1 minute per sample.

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It can take 10-14 days after thawing before cells behave normally and can be put into productive cultures. Avoiding cell freezing can save up to three weeks of unproductive work.

Key takeaways

  • Using Amperia RED eliminated the need for sample freezing, saving up to three weeks of unproductive work.
  • 120 IgG-producing CHO mini-pool samples were processed in duplicate providing results the same day.
  • The team saved two to three weeks of manual processing time required for the ELISA method.
  • Amperia data ranking populations based on production were comparable with manual ELISA, and allowed COEBP to quickly triage the most important cell populations.
  • Using Amperia enabled the team to improve efficiency in the study workflow, act on titre results quickly and reduce project timelines by around 30 days (40%).

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